The SBI reported suspicion to the business associates of the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zakharchenko


The State Bureau of Investigation continues systematic work to uncover the crimes committed by the former high-ranking officials of the time of former fugitive president Yanukovych.

One of these episodes is the misappropriation and legalization of property obtained by illicit means through banking institutions. Among others, Vitaly Zakharchenko, the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, was involved in the scheme. Through trusted members of his close circle, he organized and recruited a significant number of legal entities and individuals, including foreign ones, to be engaged in unlawful activities. The "mediators" were needed to transfer illegally received funds both to offshore and Ukrainian enterprises accounts for further legalization.

In the course of the investigation, the Bureau has collected evidence and reported suspicion to four persons who received funds in the amount of about 100 million hryvnias each from several legal entities in the bank institution controlled by Zakharchenko. The payments were allegedly made under the guise of returning the financial aid, which was actually fake. Some of these funds were sent to the accounts of Zakharchenko's associates and were transferred to the client in cash.

The scheme participants haven’t declared nor paid personal income tax of 68 million UAH, that has led to especially high non-receipt of money to local budgets of different levels.

Four of Zakharchenko's associates were reported suspicion according to Part 3 Article 212 (Evasion of taxes, fees (compulsory payments) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The criminal proceeding is being carried out by the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

The proceeding against the former minister himself is being investigated by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.

It should be reminded, that the State Bureau of Investigation has transferred Zakharchenko's and his associates' assets worth 1.4bn hryvnyas to the ARMA, as well as initiated the process of transferring the assets to state revenues.

The State Bureau of Investigation continues systematic work aimed at collecting evidence and bringing the former high-ranking officials to justice.