Based on the SBI materials, a collaborator from Kherson, who organised railway connection with Crimea for the occupiers, will face trial
Agents of the State Bureau of Investigation have completed an investigation into a former law enforcement officer from Kherson who was actively working to establish a railway connection between the aggressors and Crimea.
The indictment has been sent to court.
After the seizure of the regional centre, the man immediately supported the occupation authorities. He was appointed deputy head of the construction and installation department at the Kherson Railway, an enterprise illegally established by the invaders.
The structure operated under the laws of the russian federation, the defendant received his salary in rubles and personally rewarded his subordinates in the currency of the aggressor country.
He ensured the stable operation of the critical infrastructure institution and took an active part in the restoration of railway communication with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which the enemy also used to transport weapons.
The offender was involved in repairing the railway station building in Kherson, installing X-ray frames to ensure the safety of the representatives of invaders as well as russian military personnel who arrived from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and other temporarily occupied territories.
SBI officers detained the suspect and searched his place of residence. He is currently in custody, awaiting trial. The man is accused of committing intentional actions aimed at assisting the aggressor state (Part 1 of Article 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
The article provides for imprisonment for up to 12 years with or without confiscation of property.
The Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office is in charge of the case.