Based on the SBI materials, collaborators who helped the occupiers illegally imprison Kherson residents will be tried in court
The State Bureau of Investigation has completed the pre-trial investigation of three employees of the Northern Correctional Colony No. 90 in Kherson, who betrayed Ukraine and went over to the enemy after the temporary occupation of the city.
The indictments were sent to court.
In May 2022, two men and one woman voluntarily "joined the service" of such illegal bodies as the Kherson pre-trial detention centre, the Northern correctional colony No. 90, and the office of the Federal penitentiary service in the Kherson region.
All the traitors held high-ranking positions.
The three defendants were charged with suspicion of collaboration, namely voluntarily accepting a position in illegal law enforcement bodies established in the temporarily occupied territory (Part 7 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
The pre-trial investigation has been completed and the indictment has been submitted to the court.
The traitors face up to 15 years in prison.
The Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office is providing procedural supervision.
As part of the stabilisation measures in Kherson, the SBI agents are exposing and arresting traitors among the officials who defected to the enemy and contributed to the aggression against Ukraine. None of them will escape responsibility.
The SBI began documenting the activities of collaborators even before the city was liberated.
In particular, they identified a number of traitors and collaborators who worked with the occupiers in the Northern Correctional Colony No. 90. In 2020, the staff of this colony had already come to the attention of the State Bureau of Investigation for mass beatings of prisoners.
At the end of last year, the SBI completed a special investigation into the high treason of the head of this colony.
The investigation into another colony worker, who had voluntarily 'joined the service' of the prison, is still ongoing. She did not leave with the occupiers like some others, but remained in the city.
Criminal cases have also been opened against a number of other colony workers, many of whom have been detained. Among them is a traitor who released prisoners before the city was liberated.
Also two employees of the pre-trial detention centre in Kherson were arrested, who carried out criminal orders of the occupiers and kept Kherson activists illegally imprisoned by russists in the detention centre.
The work continues.