At the request of the SBI, the court allowed to detain two ministers of the Yanukovych period, who were preparing Kharkiv agreements
The court chose a measure of restraint in the form of detention for the former Minister of Justice and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yanukovych's time. The former officials were served a notice of suspicion of high treason for preparing the Kharkiv agreements.
It should be reminded that the SBI investigators collected evidence to bring two former ministers to criminal responsibility for committing high treason during the development, approval, signing, ratification and implementation of the Agreement between Ukraine and Russia on the stay of the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine of April 21, 2010, the so-called Kharkiv agreements.
The deputy Prosecutor General signed a notice of suspicion to the former Minister of Justice. Also, the SBI investigators, with the consent of the prosecutor, served a notice of suspicion to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
In 2021, Viktor Yanukovych and Mykola Azarov were already notified of suspicion of committing high treason, and were put on the wanted list.
In July 2022, the SBI investigator put the former ministers on the national and international wanted list. Based on operative information, the defendants are abroad.
The investigation is ongoing.
Procedural guidance is provided by the Prosecutor General's Office.