In Odessa region, the SBI exposed the head of the customs post, who demanded a bribe from grain exporters during the blockade of Ukrainian ports (VIDEO)
SBI officers detained the head of the customs post "Reni" of the Odessa customs office.
He demanded from brokers a fixed fee for the document preparation for the export of grain crops, which is critically important for our state.
Under martial law and the blockade of the ports, the customs officer set a "tax rate" for each truck and for the issuance of Certificates of origin of goods from Ukraine for each car.
The SBI employees detained the inspector on the spot for taking over UAH 150 thousand from one customs broker for the trouble-free registration of trucks with grain crops and issuance of 15 certificates.
The question is about suspicion of the perpetrator under Part 3 of Article 368 of the CC of Ukraine (acceptance of a proposal, promise, or receipt of an unlawful benefit by a service person who occupies a responsible position).
The article provides for a penalty in the form of deprivation of liberty for a period of 5 to 10 years.
The Office of the Prosecutor General is in charge of the process.