The case against Yanukovych and the former deputy minister of justice for the seizure of state power in 2010 is sent to the court


An indictment against Viktor Yanukovych and a former Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine for the seizure of state power in 2010 has been sent to court.

The SBI completed the pre-trial investigation of the criminal proceedings in July last year. The defence was granted access to the pre-trial investigation materials.

The investigation has established that in September-October 2010, Viktor Yanukovych and the Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine unconstitutionally reintroduced the Constitution of Ukraine of 28 June 1996, which led to an unlawful increase in the power of the former President of Ukraine.

Due to the long-lasting absconding of the former high-ranking officials from the investigation and court, the pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings under part 1 of Article 109 and part 5 of Article 27, part 1 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine was carried out under a special (in absentia) procedure.

Procedural guidance was provided by prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office.