The SBI completed an investigation against former law enforcer, who arranged raids in Kupiansk


The SBI employees in cooperation with the National Police of Kharkiv region completed the pre-trial investigation against a former law enforcement officer from Kuppiansk, who arranged searches of his colleagues.

The indictment was sent to court.

After the capture of Kupiansk by russians, the traitor agreed to work in their punitive body. He worked for the occupiers in the captured building of Kupiansk police department.

By the order of the occupation authorities, the man was looking for service weapons of Ukrainian law enforcement officers, as well as agitated them to defect to the invaders side.

In order to serve and please his curators, the man arranged raids in places where his former colleagues lived. Afterwards, the curators promoted him to the "senior operative" of the occupation police department.

The former law enforcer is charged with high treason (Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Procedural guidance is provided by the Kharkiv Region Prosecutor's Office.

Earlier, the SBI completed a pre-trial investigation against a traitor from Kupiansk. She also assisted the occupants in conducting searches of Ukrainian law enforcement officers.