SBI completed investigation against traitor who kept Ukrainians illegally detained by occupants in Kherson jail


The State Bureau of Investigation has completed an investigation into a dog handler at the Kherson pre-trial detention centre who kept Ukrainian citizens illegally detained by the occupiers in their cells.

The indictment was sent to court.

It has been established that after the beginning of the temporary occupation of Kherson region and the seizure of the State Institution "Kherson Pretrial Detention Centre", the inspector-cynologist of the security department received an offer from the russian special services to join the ranks of the fake law enforcement agency - "the department for the execution of sentences in Kherson region".

The defendant betrayed his oath and followed all the instructions of the captor, contributing to the work of the institution in every way. The man kept Kherson residents in the detention centre, whom the occupiers kidnapped and threw into cells for disobedience, exerted moral pressure on the prisoners, and threatened them.

He also called his former colleagues and urged them to join the illegally created institution.

After the liberation of Kherson, the defendant fled with the Russian military.

He is accused of collaboration and high treason (Part 7 of Article 111-1, Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of life imprisonment.

The Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office is in charge of the case.