The SBI detained traitor appointed by occupants as "deputy minister of industry" of Kharkiv region (VIDEO)


The State Bureau of Investigation continues to expose traitors and collaborators who served russians during the occupation of Ukrainian cities and towns. Another one of them was detained in Kharkiv.

Before the active phase of russian aggression, the collaborator worked as the head state inspector of one of the customs posts of the Kharkiv customs, and when the russians came, he became the " deputy minister for industry" of the occupation administration.

In the conditions of cynical destruction of the industry of the invaded part of the Kharkiv region by the aggressor, the traitor "focused" on active recruitment of the local population to defect to the russian side. In particular, he selected personnel for the occupation customs, which would be located between the temporarily occupied part of Kharkiv region and the so-called "lnr" and "dnr". The offender organized training for the candidates and tested their knowledge of russian laws.

In addition, he was also engaged in propaganda. He was demanding to publicly distribute the symbols of the aggressor country, and was one of the main actors during the "celebration" of the Russian flag day in Kupiansk.

However, he did not manage to launch the occupation customs. The Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated Kupiansk, and he decided to hide in Kharkiv, where his place of residence was established and detained by the State Bureau of Investigation.

The detainee was reported suspected of voluntarily holding a position related to the performance of organizational and administrative functions in illegal authorities and aiding the aggressor state (Part 5 Art. 111-1 and Part 1 Art. 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 12 years.

Procedural guidance is provided by the Kharkiv Region Prosecutor's Office.