The SBI has detained a collaborator in Kherson, who forced local citizens to participate in an illegal referendum


The employees of the SBI in cooperation with the Security Service of Ukraine have detained and have served notification of suspicion to the former law enforcement officer who during the partial occupation of the Kherson region took part in organizing of the illegal referendum on joining the russian federation.

Before the large-scale invasion, the man had been working at the Kherson Faculty of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs. After the partial occupation of the Kherson region, he actively began to cooperate with the "new government".

The former law enforcement officer got a position of "the head of the security service" at the state agricultural company “State farm Belozersky” that was captured by the enemy. He did not neglect any denunciations of employees, for which he received bonuses in rubles.

In September 2022, he actively participated in the organization and holding of an illegal referendum on the territory of the Bilozer settlement community on the withdrawal of the Kherson region from Ukraine and its entry into the russian federation.

The man persistently persuaded the employees of the captured enterprise to vote, and in case of refusal threatened with persecution by the occupiers and non-payment of wages. He also organized the work of the so-called "on-site polling station" on the territory of the agricultural firm, where citizens had to vote under the supervision of the "new government."

After the de-occupation of the part of the Kherson region, the defector went into hiding, officially did not work anywhere, but illegally he was working as a security guard, but he didn`t manage to hide from justice for a long time.

The traitor was served notification of suspicion of collaboration, namely, participation in the organization and holding of an illegal referendum in the temporarily occupied territory (Part 5 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the Articles provides for imprisonment for up to 10 years.

The court chose a preventive measure for him in the form of detention.

The procedural guidance is provided by the Kherson Region Prosecutor`s Office.