The SBI detained "dealer" of forged certificates of temporary disability for military service


The SBI employees served a notice of suspicion to a man who set up a "business" in Kyiv of selling certificates of temporary disability for military service.

After the large-scale aggression of russia, he started working in one of the Kyiv territorial centers of recruitment and social support. However, instead of helping, the man decided to earn some money.

The "businessman" charged USD 3 thousand per person for issuing a fake certificate. Half of this amount was supposed to go to officials of the Military Medical Commission. For this amount, they were supposed to make a decision to remove the client from military registration due to illness or physical disabilities, which gave the right to travel abroad.

According to intelligence, the man forged these documents himself. He was looking for clients through a mediator.

The SBI detained the man when he was handing over another package of forged documents to a client and receiving money "for the service".

During searches in the detainee's house, they found documents and seals necessary for forgery of the relevant packages of documents.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing. The investigation is establishing the involvement of other persons in the crime, including employees of the territorial center of recruitment and social support.

The detainee was notified of being suspected of receiving undue advantage for influencing the decision-making by a person authorized to perform state functions (Part 2 of Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for up to 5 years.

Procedural guidance is provided by the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office.