The SBI detained an ex-law enforcement officer who, during the occupation of Izyum, worked as an ecologist for the occupiers (VIDEO)


The employees of the SBI reported suspicion to the former law enforcement officer who, during the occupation of the city of Izyum of the Kharkiv region, got a job at the local occupation administration.

The man began negotiating with the russians as soon as they occupied the city. He acquired the position of head of the local occupation administration's department of natural resources and environment for himself. In order to please the invaders, he personally met with local residents and agitated them to work for the enemy, promising that "there will be enough posts for everyone".

He also conducted an inventory of aquatic structures, looked for the owners of local ponds and lakes in order to collect "tribute" for himself and for the benefit of the occupiers.

After the deocuppation of Izyum, he tride to hide but was detained in Kharkiv.

The former law enforcer was notified of suspicion of treason (Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Procedural management is carried out by the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

Earlier, the SBI informed about the suspicion of another law enforcement officer, who in the village of Shevchenkive testified to the occupiers of local security forces and war participants.