The SBI prevented the return of 400 tons of russian goods to russia, hygiene products will be transferred to the needs of the Armed Forces (VIDEO)


Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation in cooperation with the Kyiv Customs of the State Customs Service of Ukraine detected and prevented the export of more than 400 tons of russian goods that representatives of the aggressor country were trying to illegally return to russia.

According to preliminary estimates, the customs value of the russian cargo is EUR 1.6 million.

The goods of the russian company "Splat ru" were imported to Ukraine on the eve of the full-scale invasion. After the ban on customs clearance of russian goods and their further sale in Ukraine was imposed, the company's management tried to "recall" its goods.

After being denied re-exportation, the owners decided to forge documents. They sent Kyiv Customs a new package of "documentation" in which they denied that they were the ultimate beneficiaries. In this way, the russian businessmen tried to avoid financial sanctions and get the goods back.

At the initiative of the SBI, some of the products, mainly hygiene items, have already been transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the rest will be transferred after all the necessary procedures.

Criminal proceedings have been opened on the fact of aiding the aggressor country (Part 2 of Article 110-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for up to 7 years.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

The Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office is providing procedural supervision.