SBI revealed in Ukraine the construction business of a Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin


The State Bureau of Investigation revealed a Ukrainian building materials company controlled by Russian oligarch Andrei Molchanov. He is a former member of the “federation council of the federal assembly of the russian federation”, close to the occupying power and pays hefty taxes to the budget of the aggressor country.

The SBI employees have established that the production facility in the Kyiv region is part of the russian oligarch’s holding. The income received by the Ukrainian company was sent in the form of dividends and royalties to the so-called “parent company” located in russian federation.

Russia’s commercial structure is a significant taxpayer in the aggressor country. Therefore, at the expense of the funds received from the Ukrainian company, taxes and fees were paid to the budget of the occupying country and its security structures and defence-industrial complex were financed during the aggression against our state.

Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation conducted a set of investigative actions to document the facts of illegal activities. The searches were conducted at the residences of the director and accountants, offices and industrial facilities of the enterprise affiliated with russian capital.

The pre-trial investigation under Part 4 of Art. 110-2 (“Financing of acts committed for forcible change or overthrow of the constitutional order or seizure of state power, change the boundaries of the territory or state border of Ukraine”) and Part 3 of Art. 436-2 (“Justification, recognition as lawful, denial of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, glorification of its participants”) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The Prosecutor General’s Office provides procedural guidance.

The State Bureau of Investigation, under the legal regime of martial law imposed on the territory of our country and in the performance of the tasks assigned to the Bureau, takes measures aiming to detect and terminate illegal activities of representatives of russian federation and affiliated with it natural persons and legal entities. 


In 2018, the US Treasury Department put that Russian company and its CEO on the so-called “Kremlin List” - a list of entities (natural persons and legal entities) directly affiliated to the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin.