The SBI exposed full list and "lair" of occupants and collaborators in Kherson (VIDEO)


The SBI employees identified a full list of traitors who served in the "rashist police".

Law enforcers who defected to the enemy and were fleeing from liberated Kherson so quickly that they left irrefutable evidence of their treason in the office. The "log of taking (surrendering) the duty and checking the service on guarding the building of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kherson region" was uncovered. Separately, full lists with addresses, phone numbers, ranks, call signs of police collaborators were found.

The call signs deserve special attention. The traitors chose the following: "Dukalis, Cobra, Joker, Killer, Merchant, Mother, Vano".

By the way, the last one - "Vano" - is a former employee of the National Police in Kherson region, who has already been notified in absentia of suspicion of treason. It is known that he personally, together with representatives of the occupation authorities and the russian military, participated in searches of police officers and seizure of firearms and ammunition. For his commitment to service, he received the rank of major and the position of deputy head of the department. He even received a certificate with a double-headed chicken for high performance. This award was dedicated to the 104th anniversary of the creation of the criminal investigation of the russian federation.

Short-term benefits in the form of ranks and diplomas from cooperation with the enemy turn into shameful and long imprisonment for all traitors. Everyone should realize this. SBI's work on detection of traitors and collaborators in Kherson region continues.

Notices of suspicion of treason in absentia (Part 2 Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Part 7 Art. 111) are being prepared to all the suspects.

The article provides for punishment in the form of life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Procedural guidance is provided by the Kherson Region Prosecutor's Office.