SBI caught a law enforcement officer and a "private detective" selling information from state databases (VIDEO)


The SBI officers served a notice of suspicion to a law enforcer of one of the Kyiv district departments, who, together with his friend, was selling personal data of Ukrainian citizens.

With the assistance of the Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police, it was established that the Kyiv resident came up with a scheme to make money by using his law enforcement friend's access to personal data. He pretended to be a private detective and placed an offer on one of the specialised websites for people to order information on personal data of Ukrainian citizens.

After getting an order for a "dossier", his accomplice, a law enforcement officer, would log in to state databases to which he had access. He would copy the necessary information, and the "detective" would send it to the customer. The client was able to get passport data, information on phone and car numbers, information on border crossings and administrative offences.

The cost of information on one person could reach UAH 55,000. The level of the "fee" depended on the social status of the person whose data was checked, as well as the amount of data analysed in information and communication systems.

In addition, the "detective" offered a "VIP service", which provided the most detailed information about the "ordered" person. The detective claimed to be able to obtain this level of data through his connections in the Security Service of Ukraine, as a former law enforcement officer.

The accomplices are suspected of transferring personal data of Ukrainian citizens to third parties for a monetary reward - Part 3 of Article 362 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The article provides for imprisonment for up to 6 years.

The suspects have been chosen as a measure of restraint in the form of nightly house arrest.

The Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office is in charge of the procedural supervision.