The SBI in Zaporizhzhya blocked the channel of the sale of firearms organized by the rescuer
The employees of the SBI exposed a channel for the illegal sale of automatic firearms in Zaporizhzhya. The illegal business was organized by the guard's chief of one of the State Fire and Rescue Units.
Under martial law, the State Bureau of Investigation eradicates attempts of the officials to get rich on the black market for firearms.
During the operation to identify enemy agents among law enforcement officers who did not intend to protect the state but had access to firearms, SBI employees exposed a rescuer who conveyed firearms from the area of hostilities. The man was selling automatic rifles АКС 74 (AKS 74), АКС74У (AKS 74U) and grenade launchers to customers.
Investigators of the Bureau are verifying information on the presence of pro-Russian forces agents among the "clients" and their possible involvement in sabotage activities.
Law enforcers detained the guard chief while trying to sell a consignment of firearms for USD 7,000. An arsenal of weapons was seized while searching the perpetrator's premises.
The criminal proceeding was initiated under Part 1 of Article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Unlawful handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives).
The operation was carried out by the Regional Department of the SBI located in the city of Melitopol with the assistance of officers of the Department of Special Operations of the State Bureau of Investigation.