SBI served notice of suspicion to Ministry of Defence official who caused UAH 15 million in losses to the state during road repairs


SBI employees, in cooperation with the Security Service of Ukraine, served a notice of suspicion to one of the deputy heads of the Finance Department of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, who caused the state to lose over UAH 15 million.

In 2017, a private company won a tender for the construction of a road on the territory of a military camp. However, in violation of the agreement, the company immediately demanded 70% of the amount for future work.

The military unit applied to the Ministry of Defence for permission to make advance payments, and the official, contrary to his authority, allowed it.

Thus, the private company received more than UAH 15 million in advance, but no work was performed. The money was misappropriated by the company's management and spent at their discretion.

The official of the Ministry of Defence is suspected of negligence in office (part 3 of Article 425 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for up to 7 years.

The indictment for misappropriation of public funds by a private enterprise was submitted to court in a separate criminal proceeding.

Procedural supervision is provided by the Kyiv Specialised Defence Prosecutor's Office of the Central Region.