The SBI has served notices of suspicion to former directors of Volynvuhillya, who caused environmental damage worth UAH 1.17 billion over the years
The SBI has served notices of suspicion to former directors of Volynvuhillya, who caused environmental damage worth UAH 1.17 billion over the years
Despite russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigation maintains its focus on crimes committed against the environment.
Employees of the SBI have served notices of suspicion to four former CEOs of the state enterprise Volynvuhillya, who at different times headed the company from 2017 to 2022. Their actions have caused damage to the environment and subsoil worth UAH 1.17 billion.
It has been established that in 2018, the special permits issued by the State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine for coal extraction at two out of five mines of "Volynvuhillya" expired. However, the company's management instructed subordinates to continue extraction.
The situation did not change even with the replacement of the CEO with others, including a third and fourth one. They all disregarded the violations of law and environmental harm, continuing to illegally extract coal.
Over a four-year period, these mines illegally extracted 132.4 thousand tons of valuable minerals. The coal was sold according to valid contracts of the state enterprise.
The illegal activity is confirmed by the conclusions of engineering and ecological expertise and documents seized from the company and regulatory authorities.
The former directors were served a notice of suspicion of illegal extraction of minerals of national importance (under various parts of Article 240 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
The article provides for a sentence of imprisonment for up to 6 years.
The Specialised Environmental Prosecutor's Office of the Prosecutor General's Office is providing procedural supervision.