The SBI notified ex-leaders of the State Geocadastre of Zhytomyr region, who allowed the illegal allocation of over 11 hectares of land from the state property of suspicion
The State Bureau of Investigation employees have notified four acting heads of the Main Directorate of State Geokadastre in Zhytomyr region, who, while in office for different years, allowed the illegal allocation of over 11 hectares of land from the state property.
With officials’ assistance, this land was illegally obtained by several citizens during 2014-to 2020.
The residents of Zhytomyr region exercised their right and obtained land plots for individual farming in one of the districts of Zhytomyr region for free. Still, they submitted similar applications to other territorial communities of the region and also received land there.
Thus, instead of the two hectares of land allowed by law, each received up to four hectares for free.
The heads of the territorial department of the State Geocadastre did not verify the data on applicants and illegally issued orders of repeated transfer of land plots to the same citizens of Ukraine.
According to the expertise, the market value of the illegally transferred land plots amounted to more than UAH 4 million.
SBI suspects four ex-heads of neglect of official duty (Part 2 of Article 367 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
The article provides imprisonment for a term of up to 5 years and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years.
The pretrial investigation continues.
Procedural guidance for the pre-trial investigation is provided by the Prosecutor General’s Office.