Access to Public Information

The State Bureau of Investigation ensures the right of every citizen to receive information on its activities in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information" and other regulations.

In accordance with the requirements of Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", information requests may be submitted at the option of an information requester in oral, written or other form (by mail, telephone, e-mail). The request can be individual or collective. The written request is submitted in any form.

The requester may apply to the State Bureau of Investigation with an information request:

Central Office of the State Bureau of Investigation:

  • by a mailbox at the address: 15 Symona Petliury str., Kyiv, 01032;
  • by mail (to the address of the State Bureau of Investigation: 15 Symona Petliury str., Kyiv, 01032);
  • by e-mail: